Digital Marketing Strategy Creation Service

Companies that document their strategy enjoy the greatest benefits of digital marketing. Yours can too:

  • you'll understand why, what, and when to communicate, through which channels, to which audience
  • what you do online will amplify, not fight against, what you do offline
  • shorter sales cycles, because you will help your prospects make purchase decision faster
  • save money, because you will no longer waste your money on activities that don't work
  • close more deals, because your activities will be targeted to the right audience
  • generate a higher return on investment, because your advertising will be focused
  • ability to compete with larger companies, because we'll help you differentiate yourself online
  • you'll be able to measure the impact of your communication


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Digital Marketing Strategy Creation

Best Times to Get Digital Marketing Strategy




Before creating your annual marketing budget

A documented strategy will help you make smarter decisions about how much budget to spend on which marketing activities.

Launching new website


Before developing or redesigning your website

Strategy helps you build you website so that it attracts visitors and converts that traffic to inquiries and sales.

Consider getting your digital marketing strategy as part of our website planning service.



Before starting important marketing campaigns

Digital marketing strategy defines which marketing channels to use, why and how. Why waste your money and efforts on channels that don't work?

New product or service launch


Before launching a new important product or service, or entering new markets

What's your plan for getting you new products and services in front of online audiences? How will you make them buy? Digital marketing strategy documents your plan.

We'll Define These Elements of Digital Marketing Strategy

  • Products / Services What are you selling? What makes your products different?
  • Business Goals Which S.M.A.R.T. goal(s) do you want your website to achieve? When do you hope to achieve them?
  • Ideal Customers Who are your ideal customers? What motivates them? Which problems are you solving for them?
  • Competitors Who are your direct competitors? What are they doing online? How do you stay several steps ahead?
  • Market Situation Given your position on the market, are there any hidden opportunities for you online?
  • Buying / Selling Cycles How do your customers prefer to buy? Is your sales process aligned with their expectations?
  • Marketing Funnels Which paths will exist on your website so that it turns first-time visitors into repeat visitors and inquiries / sales?
  • Marketing Channels You will know which channels are profitable and how you should be present there.
  • Content You will know which types of content your prospects need to see on their path to purchase, and how often you should create and publish that content.
  • Processes How must you organize your internal teams and processes so that your strategy works well?
  • Timelines We create a timed plan of activities which should be performed daily, weekly, monthly, biannually, and annually.
  • Competitive Advantage Your website and all other digital assets need to clearly say how you’re creating value for your customers in a different way than your competitors do.

Ask Us How Digital Marketing Strategy Can Help Your Business.

Service Features

  • Service type: strategic consulting in written format
  • Deliverables: a document called "Digital Marketing Strategy"
  • Price: starting at 2000 EUR 
  • Delivery time: within 1 month
  • Client required to sign a contract: yes
  • Additional obligations: none

Who Needs Strategy Anyway?

  • mature companies wanting to expand to new markets
  • directors of marketing who are too busy to keep up with the ever-growing body of knowledge about digital marketing
  • CEOs who want to outsource more and more of their strategic and tactical tasks to experienced consultants
  • long-term thinkers who are already aware of the benefits of having a strong presence online

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