Learn to Write Persuasive Web Page Content With Our B2B Website Content Writing Guide

"The likelihood of a product sale decreases by 45% if the B2B buyer doesn't find relevant information on a vendor's website." - IDG, 2008

Do you procrastinate on writing content for your business website? Is it because:

  • You don't know what to write about
  • You dont know how to write persuasive B2B website content
  • You're too busy doing other important tasks
  • You're not a professional copywriter 

Our B2B Website Content Writing Guide is a website content writing sample and template collection that helps you finish writing your website content in a matter of days. 

It's a DIY manual that tells you what to write about through a series of customer-focused questions. You write the content by answering the questions, as if you were interviewing yourself.

Get the Guide Nowand download instantly
B2B Website Development Process

Look Inside the B2B Website Content Writing Guide

Download FREE Sampleno registration required
  • 'About Us' Page Content Sample

    'About Us' Page Content Sample
    Sample of a website content template / worksheet for writing an 'About Us' page

  • 'Contact Us' Page Content Sample

    'Contact Us' Page Content Sample
    Sample of a template / worksheet for writing a 'Contact Us' Page

  • B2B Website Map Template

    B2B Website Map Template
    A template of a website map for a typical B2B website

  • Chapter "Why You Need a Website Content Creation Guide?"

    Chapter "Why You Need a Website Content Creation Guide?"
    A sample page from the B2B Website Content Writing Guide

  • B2B Sales Process

    B2B Sales Process
    Which website content should you write for each phase in the sales process?

Table of Contents 

Introduction to Writing Website Content

  1. Why You Need a Website Content Creation Guide
  2. Why We Created This Guide
  3. How To Use This Guide
  4. Who Is This Guide For?
  5. Who This Guide Is Not For?
  6. What Is Website Content Creation Anyway?
  7. How Missing Content Affects Sales Results
  8. Where Does Content Creation Belong in the Website Development Process?
  9. Product Companies vs. Service Companies: What Are the Differences?
  10. Website Content Architecture of a Modern B2B Company

20 Website Content Templates for Writing B2B Website Pages

  1. The Homepage
  2. Product Description Page
  3. Service Description Page
  4. 'Solutions' Page
  5. 'Industries' Page
  6. 'Customers' Page
  7. 'Case Studies' Page
  8. Customer Testimonials
  9. 'Customer Support' Page
  10. 'How to Buy' Page
  11. 'FAQ' Page
  12. 'Documentation' Page
  13. 'News' Articles
  14. 'Newsletter' Page
  15. 'About Us' Page
  16. 'Our Technology' Page
  17. 'Our Partners' Page
  18. 'Careers' Page (available as a standalone product)
  19. 'Contact Us' Page
  20. 'Terms of Service' Page
  21. 'Privacy Policy' Page

Stop Losing Revenue. Launch Sooner.

Many B2B websites are launched months, even years later than planned. This Guide helps you overcome challenges such as lack of time, inexperience, and the horror of writing content.

While delaying content for months or years, you're losing revenue from customers who would have contacted you via your website. By launching now, you're recovering lost profits. How much is every new customer worth to you?

Be Done in 1 Week, Not Months or Years

How does the Guide help you finish writing website content fast, and why does it matter?

People procrastinate with content when they don't know what to write about. This Guide shows you the questions you have to answer to create persuasive website content.

You'll know that you're on track because the Guide shows you samples and examples of finished pieces of content.

Learn to Write Persuasive Website Content That Sells

But what does persuasive mean, exactly? The Guide focuses you to write content that is:

Your customers have direct questions that demand direct answers. This Guide teaches you to get to the point immediately.

Customers appreciate and expect honesty. The Guide motivates you to avoid hype, business jargon, overused superlatives.

The Guide will remind you to prove your claims with data and examples.

Follow the Guide's questions so that you never ever forget to publish an important piece of information.

Product Features - B2B Website Content Guide G.png

Features of the B2B Website Content Writing Guide

  • Type of product: "write-it-yourself" guide
  • Deliverables: 70+ pages in the editable Microsoft Word .DOCX file format
  • Ideal for: non-professional content creators
  • Authors: logit.net team of digital marketing specialists
  • Instant delivery: simply pay & download in a second

What's Included in the Downloadable Package

This digital B2B Website Content Writing Guide is a practical write-it-yourself handbook for quickly and easily writing and gathering all the necessary content for your corporate website. The package consists of 3 parts:


1) The Guide (70+ pages, Microsoft Word format)

The guide contains two main types of content gathering methods:

  1. website content templates (worksheets) with carefully selected questions that you need to answer (don't worry, you already know how to answer those questions)
  2. website content templates (worksheets) with tables / forms you need to fill out


2) Five visual website map templates (PDF)

A visual representation of essential content elements of a website focuses you on important content and helps you better organize the architecture of your website. Included are 5 website maps for: product-oriented B2B website, product description web page, service description web page, customers page, articles page. 


3) Folder structure (ZIP file)

Organize your texts, images, and media neatly in one place. This folder structure helps you deliver content in its entirety to your chosen website development agency. When clients organize their content well, agencies finish websites faster and with fewer mistakes.

4) FREE bonus: "How to Write Content for Your 'Careers' Website Page" workbook

This is the greatly expanded and improved version of one single chapter of the Guide that teaches you how to write and lay out the 'Careers' website page. What was originally 2 pages of guidelines is now a 53-page workbook with screenshots, tips, examples, and expert advice.

You can either purchase this workbook as a standalone product or get it completely free when you buy The Guide ($19 value). 

How to Write Content for a Careers Website Page

How to Use the Guide


Edit the .docx files

Open the supplied .docx files, answer all the content writing questions, and fill out all the forms that we prepared for you. Continue following the guidelines you'll find in the guide.


Gather the media

Put all the media files such as images and documents for download in the folder structure that is part of this guide. Don't worry, we show you and tell you which media you need to collect and where in the folder structure you should put it.


Deliver your files to your chosen agency

We suggest you archive all your .docx files and media files in a single .zip file. 

Now, send the .zip file to the web agency or the team who would be building your website and entering your content. A good agency can additionally improve your content.

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If you live in the EU and are purchasing as a consumer (not a business), you also have to pay your local VAT for digital services on top of our prices. EU-based businesses, however, are eligible for a VAT refund. Read the FAQ below.

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A+ happy with the guide. I'm a freelancer and trying to formulate a good way to "extract" key information from my clients, so I was really interested to see the templates you use in the guide. It has been helpful and also a great refresher & reference of the key components of a good business website.

Tyler Martin, Canada


I already hired a web agency to develop my website. Do I still need this guide?

Short answer: yes, in most cases you do.

Take a look at the website development quote you received from the web agency you hired for the job. If it does not contain the content writing service as a dedicated line item on the quote, you can be pretty sure that this service is not included in the price. This is because many website development agencies do not provide content writing services. The ones that do, do it for a fee. Web development agencies usually only provide programming and design services, and they expect you to write and deliver all the content yourself. Do ask your web agency about this to be sure.

However, many web agencies do offer copywriting services at an additional price. If you can afford their price and if you don't have the copywriting skills and the time to write your content yourself, do hire them to create the content for you. If you can't afford to hire copywriters and could use some help with copywriting, then our guide is 100% perfect for you. It has all the components a modern B2B website should have.

Do I need to read the guide cover to cover in order to get the most of it?

Who this guide is NOT for?

What should I do after I gathered all the content?

In which format will I receive this guide?

What if I don't like the product after buying it? [Our Refund Policy]

EU-based customers, here's how to get a VAT refund.

Will I receive an invoice for my purchase? I'm buying as a business.

What Are the Alternatives to This Guide?

Think of this DIY Guide as a content consulting service on a budget, in a written form. Our digital marketing specialists have distilled their experience and knowledge into this practical guide, so that everyone could afford quality content.

If instead you prefer to hire consultants to do all or most of your content work, we recommend these consulting services:

"Done For You" Type of Service

Content Consulting Service

  • type of content consulting in which we show you how to improve your content, and you implement our advice yourself.