Starting from April 2020, we've changed our main phone number from +385 1 3773 062 (Zagreb) to +385 51 412 379 (Rijeka).
Our old phone number in Zagreb has been deactivated starting from April 1st 2020.
For support issues and sales, please call us at +385 51 412 379 and please update your databases.
We're a Rijeka Company Now
The reason for the phone number change is that Logit has changed its official headquarters from Zagreb to Rijeka. It was technically impossible to keep the old number.
More specifically, we're in the process of changing our headquarters and due to the current #COVID-19 crisis, the process is taking much longer than anticipated at the Commercial Court in Zagreb.
Our company and billing address will change as well.
We will notify our suppliers and customers when the change of address is completed. Thank you for your patience.